Saturday, June 04, 2005


The economy gained 78,000 jobs in the month of May. A significant drop from the 274,000 posted in April.

April showers bring out…landscapers, construction crews and builders.

See the reason behind the April spike in job growth now?

Still, May is the beginning of the summer hiring season. Only 78,000 new jobs doesn’t bode well for recent grads.

In any respect, 78,000 is still far too few for the eight point three million people collecting unemployment…or the seventy million working aged people who aren’t included in the unemployment figures.

It’s okay. They’re not looking for work. The government said so.

Still, if they were, there’d be a thousand applicants for every job opening.

Those seventy million people are getting money from somewhere. Perhaps we are a step closer to cracking the mystery of how we went from minting the first billionaire in history thirty years ago to having a hundred and fifty seven of them today.

Seventy million people getting paid to do nothing because the commerce can’t ‘profitably’ employ them.

Herein lies the head of the beast. Companies run as lean as possible, meaning they employ as few people as they can get away with. The leaner they run, the more they make.

Companies in Capitalist Utopia would have only one employee, The boss. Everything else would be automated.

Where does this leave you in the grand scheme of things? It’s every human for themselves out there. Even if you succeed in building a better mousetrap how many times can you do it only to have your ‘competitor’ either buy you out or crush you price wise in the marketplace thanks to their deeper pockets?

That’s what you and everyone else is up against.

One percent of the world’s population controls ninety percent of the world’s wealth and one percent of them control eighty percent of that…

Well, percent of six billion is sixty million. One percent of that is six hundred thousand. Since we only have one hundred and fifty-seven billionaires we have to repeat the process two more times to reach sixty.

So we have a percent of a percent of a percent of a percent and our billionaire group is less than three percent of that.

Flip the equation over and you’ve got a whole shit load of poor people.

Maybe it’s just me but there’s something wrong with this picture.

If I adjust the POV, maybe you can see it too.

If everyone that made less than a hundred thousand a year vanished tomorrow, the wealthy wouldn’t miss us.

There’d be a lot of unhappy six figure earners out there as they’d become the new grunt class but due to it’s ‘exclusionary’ nature capitalism would actually thrive if there were less players.

Think about that for a minute and be afraid, be very afraid especially if you don’t currently earn six figures.

This brings us back to that percent of a percent thing. A hundred grand is a tenth of a percent of a billion dollars.

With the world becoming increasingly more automated and consolidated, what’s to become of it’s teeming billions, especially in light of the fact they aren’t needed?

Is participative (labor driven) society starting to look more attractive now?

The way the ‘pie’ is sliced right now there are those who have and the rest of us…who are intruding on the party.

I never considered myself or my fellow humans to be excess baggage but there it is good citizen. A bad situation that’s getting worse with each passing day.

This isn’t new. Even Dickens wrote about the ‘surplus’ population in his famous ‘A Christmas Carol’.

The ‘more for me crowd’ has always viewed the rest of us as a scourge to be tolerated at best and despised almost always.

When things go sour, like they always do, it won’t be they who suffer, it will be you. Who will be the author of your torment? They will. That handwriting is already clear upon the proverbial wall.

They’re turning this nation inside out, squeezing every last dime they can out of the public till so the collapse will crush as many as possible.

78,000 jobs, a tenth of a percent of what is needed to put every working aged US citizen back to work, earning their better life.

Don’t be deceived. You too will soon be redundant, useless, unnecessary and tossed upon the scrap heap like so many millions before you.

So a few can be rich.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,



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