Wednesday, May 18, 2005


New billionaires are being minted at a record pace. The first man in all recorded history to EVER become a billionaire (one guy with a single billion bucks) was J. Paul Getty back in the early 1970’s.

Thirty years later and there are over one hundred and fifty billionaires with some of them worth nearly a hundred billion all by themselves.

This is a staggering sum of money but think for a minute. Where did all of these billions come from in such a short time?

By golly, our elected leaders have let the printing presses run 24/7 for most of those thirty years.

So it is, good citizen, that you have been systematically robbed. Not only is your money worth less but you have earned less because others have been given so much more.

For all the cash that’s been pumped into the economy over the last thirty years (which produced those billionaires) your earnings have remained fairly stationary.

The ‘disparity’ in the amounts the corporate world has been raking in from the government vs. what you get paid has in effect put you in negative territory.

Pumping money into the economy ‘dilutes’ the value of existing money. In order to keep up, you need to earn proportionately larger sums of money…but that hasn’t been happening.

Instead the value of your home has gone into the stratosphere.

This is nice on the surface but the implications are ominous.

Not only have hundreds of millions of people been shut out of the housing market, rents have kept pace with rising mortgage figures.

Double doomed.

Profit driven society (capitalism) needs to continually expand or it will collapse…Just as it has countless times since the screwy system of ‘more for me’ was implemented.

Since it is not possible to expand indefinitely, it will inevitably hit the wall at some point in the future.

The question you need to ask yourself, good citizen, is when will the bottom drop out and what will happen when it does.

It’s pretty obvious that the current situation is being propped up by huge government expenditures but we can’t keep that up indefinitely either. The bill will come due eventually and the cupboard is beyond bare.

If it mirrors the last great disaster, the crash of ’29, you’ll be forced to surrender ten of your old dollars for one new one.

This will suck for you but it will hardly put a dent in the billionaire’s pocket.

To make matters worse, your debt will still be figured in old dollars. It won’t get reduced like your savings will.

Why would they do such an unfair thing?

We’re back to the original question. Where did all of those billions come from? They came from you and the sweat of your brow.

They dug a big hole that’s up to you and your children and their children to fill in.

Despair not!

One of the first things that would happen upon converting to a labor driven economy is the erasure of all debts. At the end of the day it’s all meaningless, cash is a joke.

The only thing that matters is here and now along with your willingness to work in exchange for having all of your needs met, most of them for free.

Wrapping your head around the idea of free after being forced to pay for every little thing must blow your mind.

What blows my mind is why people don’t realize the world as we know it is brought to us by the dedicated souls who get their backsides out of bed and go do what they get paid to do.

The ‘executive’ offices of EVERY endeavor could be ripped off the building and you wouldn’t notice they were gone. If every (major) shareowner on the planet dropped dead at once, life would go on like nothing happened, their passing would have zero effect.

People who don’t contribute aren’t missed.

Popularly elected government would go ‘poof’ too as, contrary to popular belief, people are indeed smart enough to manage and make decisions for themselves.

Learn the rules and live by them. We do it now and it would be that easy.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,



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