Monday, May 09, 2005

New Paradigm

The more things change the more they stay the same. I’ve seen a lot in my time. Men’s hairstyles have gone from buzzcuts, down to their backside and than all the way back in the opposite direction to shaving themselves bald headed.

Yet they’re still the same people no matter how they wear their hair, or how many piercings they have or whatever they have tattooed upon their skin.

Regardless of they’re affectations, they’re still driven by the same set of needs that drove our ancient ancestors.

So it shall be for our children and theirs after them, nothing like belaboring the obvious, eh?

People follow trends and sometimes it’s trendy to buck the tide but you can’t buck the buck.

History has shown us that for profit societies last but a few hundred years, just as it has shown us a different social model that endured for tens of thousands of years.

We don’t think much of this alternative lifestyle. We are taught these people were godless, bloodthirsty savages but they didn’t kick us off their land, did they?

No. And therein lies the rub. The very thing that allowed their society to stand the test of time turned out to be their undoing.

Unlike the European invaders, the Indians did not lay claim of ownership to the land nor did they have courts to enforce such claims.

In the end, the ownership of anything is nothing more than a legal claim.

Since this issue strikes at the heart of the situation our society is currently faced with, lets take a closer look.

One of our basic needs is having someplace to hang out hat. You have to be somewhere even if it’s the street.

Why should you, as a condition of being alive, become someone else’s meal ticket? This is not a question of whether or not to own, as all ownership is wrong. It is a question of having no recourse but to pay and keep on paying.

There is no logic at work here save that, thanks to the law, a small percentage of our society (mostly founding families) gets there’s for doing absolutely nothing while everyone else suffers.

The capitalist’s among us call this practice a ‘reward’ for foregoing the gratification of their own immediate needs for a while. They defend their right to stick it to their fellow human by saying ‘anybody can do it’, which totally ignores the real issue, should anyone be allowed to do it?

Short answer, no.

A place to be is one of your inalienable rights as a human being. Should anyone be allowed to leech off the efforts of others for the sole purpose of getting a free ride?

This situation is not so ‘just’ when seen in this light but these are the same misguided imbeciles that equate ‘ownership’ with ‘freedom’, freedom for them that is, screw everyone else!

Let it be said here and now that anyone who adheres to the teachings of Adam Smith is an idiot! He’s right about people acting in their own selfish interest but he was dead wrong about this benefiting society.

One need look no farther than the many US companies that have gutted their domestic operations in favor of setting up shop overseas. This is a prime example of people chasing greater profits to the detriment of society as a whole. They rake in huge profits (and tax breaks) while society foots the tab for the people thrown off their job.

We live here. What happens here affects us all.

When commerce exists to serve itself rather than the needs of society that founded it, it is time to question the validity of a system that allows the private ownership of that which we all need to live.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,



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