Monday, April 04, 2005

One people, One purpose

Greetings Good citizen. Welcome back.

I write these posts first and respond in private later in case you think I’m ignoring you (although sometimes that may well be the case.)

What do you suppose one people, one purpose is all about? Many organizations have been founded by the like minded but the ‘club’ referred to here is one that you’re already a member of whether you want to be or not. The one people referred to in the heading are all of mankind, every human, everywhere.

So this piece is about you and the fact that you are but one of many. You doubtlessly have your quirks, your likes and dislikes, your passions and your frustrations but when we get down to the LCD, the fact remains that you are a single human biological unit, no different than anyone else. All claims to the contrary are vanity.

I know how gifted you are, how talented and oh so very good at so very many things. You really are a wonderful person but at the end of the day, you’ll only last a few minutes without air, a few days without water and about a month without food no matter how good you are at all of those other things.

With that said, do you have a clue what the one purpose is? The young often wonder what life is about, why they’re here and when the going gets really tough, what’s the point of it all?

Life has no meaning until your life for you ends. The moment you hold your first born in your arms for the first time, the meaning of life becomes clear.

It’s all about survival.

Some don’t want kids and others will take that a step further with the wish they that themselves had never been born. There’s a world of difference between wanting a child and having one you’re not ready for but that’s a different debate entirely.

Take a look at nature. Every plant and animal in existence has but one primary goal, to continue the species. Your opinion as to whether or not mankind should survive is irrelevant.

Your primary purpose, the reason you exist, whether you choose to or not, is to continue the species.

It’s why you are here. All else is vanity.

Failure to understand this one simple fact leads to a variety of other misunderstandings that have made this world the cesspool it is today.

But all is not lost. It all begins with understanding and this is the first fact that you should understand.

We are one people with one purpose.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,



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