Friday, May 06, 2005

Economics 101

Our current society could give a rat’s furry backside about unemployment. It’s all about profits and increasing productivity.

These are things owners, shareowners that is, care about.

You, good citizen, care about living in a place where you won’t get mugged walking from your car to your front door.

Owners don’t worry about such things, they can afford guards and gates, you can’t.

If you are a rational being, it may have occurred to you at some point that everyone should work and be paid a living wage.

If everyone worked and made a living wage they wouldn’t have to take your money either in taxes or by mugging you for that matter.

Pretty simple concept, isn’t it?

People that have a way to support themselves don’t need government assistance nor would they have to resort to a life of crime.

But it’s not that easy, is it?

If we change the rules, we could start tomorrow!

Converting from our current cash driven society to a labor driven one is quite simple. The only people that won’t like it are the rich.

First because they’ll lose control of the source of their wealth and secondly, they’ll actually have to do something useful with their time.

The beauty of this concept is that every social woe facing us disappears overnight. You’ll enjoy everything you have today and more, without the payments! No more debt, no more taxes, no more social security (payments or crisis) and things that are drowning us in debt will suddenly be free.

All because we changed the rules.

Remember that there is a superabundance of goods out there. That’s not going to change. We change the rules here and in a matter of weeks they’ll change everywhere!

Without the world’s largest marketplace, the worlds remaining cash driven societies (which are already on the ropes) will go flat line in a heartbeat.

God damn, being ‘required’ to work, what a horrible thing!

Face it folks, there are already far more people than there are things to do. Futurists once predicted that we’d work only a few hours a day once automation had eliminated the drudgery from everyday life.

That day is here but instead of seeing a reduction in the workday, we’ve seen tens of millions eliminated from the workforce.

Until we change the rules, a thing we will do to preserve our children’s future, you will not see the Captains of Industry voluntarily reducing the workday so they can add employees to their payroll.

At the end of the day all economies are local. It’s not about letting a few be rich (and letting them go about it any way they want) it’s about all of us sharing what there is equitably.

One people, one planet working to make this world a better place for all mankind…

Thanks for letting me inside your head,



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