Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Ground Swell

In an interesting editorial, one commentator put forth a rather unusual idea; that the Internet could propel a virtual unknown into the Oval Office.

The Internet was supposedly the driving force behind the Howard Dean candidacy (until it came unraveled at the last minute.)

The Internet has proven to be a medium that more people are turning to in order to find out just what like-minded people are really thinking.
Even members of the ‘established’ media have created blogs in an attempt to keep people ‘on message’.

A message that goes something like, "We’ve got it all under control. No need to be concerned. Go back to sleep."

The established media sold out long ago but that’s how it’s always been. It’s not possible to comment ‘objectively’ on the same people you rely on for paycheck.

When it comes to reporting the news, the truth will set you free…free to find a job doing something else.

The papers, like the network news, are brought to you by advertising dollars…in case you’re wondering why every newscast consists of twenty minutes of commercials and five minutes of talking heads spewing garbage nobody cares about.

So reading the opinions of those whose world-view is formed by what they learn from the same said advertising based media isn’t exactly ‘illuminating’ to say the least.

How much truth do you expect from people whose livelihood relies upon A. the continued goodwill of advertisers or B. remaining in the good graces of the political powers that be?
Which brings us to the net. I post here ‘cuz it’s free. I’m a working slob that can’t afford my own web site.

This is a distinction to be mindful of when you go searching for the truth out there on the information superhighway, know what you’re looking at.

Back to topic.

To be fair, the commentator did say this vehicle would most likely be used successfully by an established politician like McCain or that other Kerrey from Nebraska.

Not that there’s anything (except pull) stopping the average knothead from mounting a presidential campaign on the Internet.

You for President!

That’s a scary thought, isn’t it?

Naturally, it’s not as simple as throwing your hat into the ring. You won’t get the voters attention if you have nothing to say on the issues.

Again, the commentator was helpful enough to point out that a serious void exists smack dab in the middle of the political spectrum.

How nice is that? Well, it would be nice if being a labeled a moderate these days wasn’t the equivalent of being called a wimp in today’s world of political brinksmanship.

Leading the charge for mediocrity or even handedness isn’t likely to put your name on the lips of every voter in American.

The beleaguered and besieged want leadership and they want it now!

Leadership that will provide viable solutions to very real problems…not the least of which is a system of government that has gone totally over the top.

When the media speaks of the crisis we’re experiencing in healthcare they studiously avoid the fact that the problem started when the formerly public healthcare system was converted to a private, for profit venture.

CEO’s that don’t generate profits for the shareowners don’t remain at the helm very long.

Then there’s the issue of almost every avenue of employment imaginable is being shipped to the cheaper there.

Not only do the shareowners reap the benefits of significantly reduced wage and benefit costs but the jobs they export are building a new customer base for their products at the same time!

Nice to be a shareowner! (I refuse to use the PC term of ‘shareholder’ it deflects too much guilt from the reality of the situation.)

US companies make it there and sell it here at many times the profit they used to make.
Does the media breathe even a single word of this intentional rape of our society?

No, instead the media says we’re ‘hooked on imports!’


This is but the tip of the iceberg.

Real people. Real problems…

And here you will find real solutions.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,



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