Friday, April 29, 2005

The Flim Flam Man

The confidence game is one of the oldest games there is. You really want to believe the guy but he has a glint in his eye that makes you keep your guard up.

Regan really tucked it to me back in 1983 now this guy wants to finish the job.

"You’ll have the ‘option’ to put your money into a ‘personal’ (private’s a bad word) investment account and you’ll get to decide how to make it grow!"

What about dudes like me that only have fifteen more years to go until retirement. It's too late to make any meaningful contributions and I average two to three jobs a year?

If things keep on going the way they are, the stock market’s going to go flat line again like it did in 1929.

If the real estate bubble (that’s being propped up by foreign investors) doesn’t have you convinced then take a look at the staggering amount of credit card debt that the nation is carrying.

It’s all smoke and mirrors folks. We’re dead in the water but the money boys refuse to close the lid on the coffin.

That, good citizen, is likely the scariest thing of all.

Since money is no longer tied to anything real, the rug can be pulled out from under it at any moment.

What is the value of a buck? Whatever you’re told it’s worth and who decides that?

That is the question we should all have in the back of our minds.

Whoever controls the value of your money, controls you.

Can’t get ahead? It’s part of the plan. You bust your hump, doing a job it formerly took three people to do and you’re barely getting by.

So what are you going to do when they declare a bank holiday after they’ve told you the money in your pocket is no good?

Wait like our grandparents did for the opportunity to trade ten of your old dollars for one new one?

Billionaires will become mere millionaires but you my friend will be well and truly.

Of course, with the money tied to nothing, it’s conceivable that they could go on as they are indefinitely…until a trip to Micky D’s sets you back a C-note and the gas to get you there runs you about the same.

The value of a buck. It’s the price you pay for a cash driven society. The criminals get there’s for doing absolutely nothing while you bust your hump for what will soon be sixteen hours a day (with no overtime) just to keep food on the table.

The national salesman said on national TV tonight that the ruckus over his judicial nominations was due to the ‘politics’ of the people he nominated to the bench.

What he didn’t specify is what those politics are and why the senate is unhappy about it.
It’s not like the man hasn’t done enough favors for business in his five years in office but apparently it hasn’t been enough.

What he’s trying to do now, for the sake of commerce, is to eliminate the New Deal. Key amongst the New Deal measures that he’s trying to repeal is the laws regarding overtime pay and the forty hour work week.

Thus, as a new ‘condition of employment’, you’ll be informed that the new hours of operation are 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM, your full cooperation is anticipated.

But this may not happen to you. Since they will now be able to force workers to do a fourteen to sixteen hour shift without paying them overtime, it only stands to reason that they only need half the people they formerly needed…even if your employer had a one shift operation.

So half of the employees in the entire nation will receive a pink slip, in the same week.

The more ruthless will refuse to let anyone go, forcing those who can’t maintain the pace to quit.

What do you suppose that’s going to do to the economy?

The already rich will get richer still and you…between the extra money you’ll need to pay for daycare (which will now be day and night care) and eating all your meals on the shop floor, are going to go broke.

But if we had a labor driven society!

Since everyone (by law) would work and since there isn’t enough work to go around, everyone would work a REDUCED shift.

Since the exploitation of one human by another would be illegal, nobody would own anything. You’d have a home that suited your needs for free, free transportation, free education and free medical care.

How would we do that?

Think about it. Since there would be no more employers (taking their cut off the top), we’d all work for an organization that managed our specialty, whatever that was.

They’d pay us to do what we do. So if you went to see the doctor, he/she is getting paid to do what they do by the organization, there’s no need for you to pay them too!

Electricity, free. Why? Same reason. The people that work at the power plant get paid by their organization, there’s no need for you to pay them too.

If everything’s free, what do you need money for?

Perishable or items that have limited availability. Money in a labor driven society would serve as a ‘regulator’ limiting access to high demand or scarce items.

Who’d cook for themselves if restaurants were free? Who’d do housekeeping if hotels were free? You’d have a labor crisis in each industry at the end of the first week if you failed to put some kind of inhibitor in place.

With a well thought out system of checks and balances, Labor driven society could save our children’s future.

So what if you hate working. You’d only be obliged to surrender a few hours a day in exchange for a world without taxes, war or bad economy.

You’d be in direct control of the government as there wouldn’t be a standing system of elected officials. You’d get to vote directly on every issue rather than living with what someone else thought was the right thing to do.

There would be a core set of laws that could not be changed that would eliminate ninety percent of the issues that you would need to vote on, so it’s not like you’d spend you days voting on every idiot proposal someone dreamed up.

Best of all, your retirement would be A. at around fifty and B. you’d retire with half of your regular pay.

Given that most major expenses are covered (no rent, no utilities and no taxes) you may not eat filet mignon every night but then again you might.

Take a good look around at the mess made of our one and only planet for the sake of allowing a ‘few’ to be rich.

Then think about your children and the kind of hardships they’ll inherit if you sit on your hands and do nothing.

If not for your sake, do it for them.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,



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