Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Trashing Democracy

The power of blogging is not to be underestimated. The piece I originally wrote took to task that which is a common topic amongst bloggers, the frailties of our ‘democratic’ society.

Not to put too fine a point on it but if everybody’s doing it, there must be something to it.

Just as there has never been a true communist government there has also never been a true democracy.

So when people find fault with our current capitalist republic, they aren’t tearing down democracy as much as they are protesting the decided lack thereof.

Can you imagine what a true democracy would look like? You and everyone else would have a direct vote on every issue facing our society.

The danger in such an arrangement lay naturally in the lies that would be spread to get special legislation enacted.

Thus at ground zero it would be necessary to lay down some basic rules of engagement.
The first would be legislation that denied anyone the ability to make their living from the sweat of another’s brow.

We’re all rowing this leaky canoe together; everyone has to pull their own weight.

Secondly would be a prohibition on the private ownership of resources. Allowing anyone to ‘own’ anything gives said owner the right to screw everyone. This kicks back to rule number one, as the selling of commodities doesn’t do anything to get the job done, it merely allows the seller to make a buck for doing nothing.

Thirdly would be instituting the ‘live and let live’ principal that would allow each of us to pursue happiness in our own way. This would be necessary to put an end to popular practice of leading crusades against personal pet peeves.

We would also have to tear down the courts and ban the professional practice of law. Never have so few inflicted so much harm on so many driven by personal greed.

For the laws to be just they must stand alone with no one claiming ‘special knowledge’ of them.

Trial by randomly selected jury would remain with the jury taking on the role of judge as well.

Money would no longer be a tangible thing. Cash would be outlawed, as would any cash substitute.

All criminal endeavors operate on a cash and carry basis.

You see; five simple rules and we’ve shaved months off the voting schedule.

Without these rules true democracy would be impractical. You would be required to defend yourself against the unscrupulous every hour of every day, kind of like now.

Eliminating the profit motive from society and replacing it with a merit system where everybody starts at square one would establish the foundation of a society that will stand the test of time.

To continue as we are is to condemn your children to a life of wage slavery in a world that no longer needs them, save as mindless consumers.

True democracy where people are free from debt and the machinations of others, where every voice counts, would be a wonderful thing but only if we all agree to play by the rules.

Bash the dictatorial ways of current regime all you like, for all of their posturing and rhetoric, this is no democracy.

In a society where the only vote you are allowed to cast is for who will make decisions in your name without ever consulting you, to say that we are provided with an ‘illusion of participation’ is putting it too kindly.

One people, one purpose.

Think it over.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,



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