Saturday, May 14, 2005

Enemy of the State

Have you ever wondered why your faith or the color of your skin can turn you into the object of hatred?

It’s what’s inside you that counts. Inside each and every meat suit there is a human regardless of what color it is on the outside.

It is not so much what the human inside the meat suit thinks as much as what they are taught to believe that gives birth to racial and religious hatred.

With every human being taught that their color is the ‘superior’ one and their faith is the only ‘true’ faith it’s amazing there aren’t dead bodies for miles around.

Well, actually there are.

If you were blind, you would not know the color of your own skin never mind the color of someone else’s. How they treated you would be the only gage that you’d have to measure the character of another.

Flipping this coin over, anyone who believes in fairy tales about eternal punishment or eternal joy needs to get a grip.

Belief in the intangible, know as faith, has it’s limits. If your all-powerful god exists, he/she/it is doing a lousy job or is such a hypocrite that anyone would be foolish to want to worship such a deity.

Taking this to the ‘next’ level, having a conversation in your head with someone other than yourself is insane. We have a name for people that hear voices in their heads, we call them nuts!
If you talk to God but no one can hear him talking to you, it’s time to lie down on the couch, you need to get a few things off your chest.

There’s nothing more absurd in the world than killing someone that doesn’t believe in the same ‘god’ as you do.

Yet there is no shortage of scorn or hatred in our or any other society.

These fires are kept burning at the very highest levels and these people do it for a very good reason. Both racial and religious hatred deflects attention away from the true cause of society’s problems, the rich and their exploitative laws.

The rich like to say they’re just like you and me, it’s just that they’re ‘luckier’ than most people.
But we know that’s not the case. While a few achieve great wealth through luck or genius, a vast majority of the rich get theirs the old fashioned way; they inherit it.

Thus would any change in the laws regarding ownership and banning the employer/employee relationship really ruin their day.

Their empires, built on the sweat of others, would vanish with the stroke of a pen.
Thus does society’s real criminals hide behind old prejudices and stoke racial and religious hatred.

If you hate the rich you’re jealous, if you hate anyone because of the color of their skin or their religious belief, you’re a bigot.

I don’t ‘hate’ the rich. I merely want to eliminate them by taking from them their greedy claims to what we all need to live.

If they want to stick around and work like the ‘normal’ people they claim to be, I don’t have a problem with that.

It is not for myself that I would do this but for the common good.

A society can not prosper until all of its members are granted the freedom to live their lives as true equals. Without equality there is no justice and without justice there is no peace…and without peace there can be no prosperity.

If you’re going to hate somebody, direct your hatred at your oppressor and not who your oppressor tells you to hate, or kill for that matter.

If the truth be told good citizen, the real enemy of the state, the one thing that the wealthy are truly afraid of, is you.

If the public ever wakes up to the screw job that has been/is being perpetrated upon them, the streets will run red.

The giant is not yet awake but he stirs.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,



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