Thursday, May 26, 2005


How much would a person dying of thirst pay for a drink? How much would a starving person pay for a crust of bread?

Why should either of these people have to pay to stay alive?

What would happen in either situation if there were no such thing as money?

Now stop for a moment and consider the millions of homeless here and the billions elsewhere.

How is it that even one person has no place to be and no way to support themselves?

There are close to two million homeless here in the US and you have to wonder about that. Have you ever stopped to consider how they wound up in such a hopeless place?

You can see a handful; the small percentage that suffer mental handicaps living on the streets mostly because they don’t know any better.

What of the millions of other homeless persons, what of the families that have no source of income, no place to be?

It’s not your problem is it? It’s society’s.

Once again I wish to point out that this problem is not caused by the people involved but the system, the ‘rules’ that put people in this predicament in the first place.

Rules that favor the wealthy at the expense of everyone else.

The usual defense here is that the rules apply to everyone and you don’t see any rich people living on the street…

Like you would…

But consider for a moment how the rich become ‘rich’.

If no one were allowed to own resources, there would be no rich people. Resources are the wealthy’s source of income. Be it land, raw materials or the markets themselves, without that legal claim, there would be no rich people.

Once again, the invocation is that anyone can do it, why ‘penalize’ the people who happen to do it well?

Because every or ‘any’ one can’t do it. It’s physically impossible. So why do we allow a few to do what most can’t?

Would it have anything to do with the fact the ones who are best served by the current system happen, by massive coincidence, be the ones who make the laws?

Did we ‘need’ stricter ‘consumer’ bankruptcy laws? (That’s right folks, only we working stiffs took it in the jugular on that one, business rules are unchanged.) Do you really want to see the New Deal repealed? No more Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the forty hour work week and overtime laws all declared ‘unconstitutional’?

Did we really ‘need’ to do away with the Estate tax or give tax breaks to the already wealthiest one percent of the population?

While millions are homeless.

Think I have a point?

For all of the preaching about fairness and justice we have little of either in our society. Fairness will never matter until it matters to you.

With the obvious tilting of an already badly skewed playing field, fair had better start being your number one priority.

If life is a game and we must all play the hand we’re dealt, allowing a few to hold all of the face cards means that you will always have a losing hand.

Not once in a while, always.

Even if you do manage to ‘win’, you still lose. Without the ‘participation’ of those who hold all the cards, you’ll get nothing.

The deck of cards used in the game of life is stacked. Until we demand a new game, it will never change.

You may think this is okay for you but what about your kids? This raw deal goes back more than a few generations and it will continue on until someone grows a nut.

Will that someone be you?

The solution is laid out for you here. What’s not to like?

Labor driven society makes sense. Everyone works and everyone partakes, not a few work while the rest sit on the sidelines, either making a fortune from your sweat or starving to death because commerce can’t ‘profitably’ employ them.

A society of equals, it can happen. In fact it did happen, right here and it lasted for tens of thousands of years…before the Europeans got here.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,



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