Wednesday, May 25, 2005


This blog is a feeble attempt (and you can emphasize the word feeble) To educate you to the true workings of the world around you.

So we have it that the ‘gap’ between rich and poor continues to grow and nowhere is this more conspicuous than in college enrollment.

Today, college is a given. Anyone who by passes the college track has de-railed for themselves any chance for a prosperous future.

Since your education is considered along with your qualifications, leaving that line blank on your resume opens the door for failure.

Like the price of housing, the price of a college education has continued to rise right into the stratosphere, leaving behind many who would other wise benefit from the experience.

Let’s put a finer point on this as the above tells you nothing you don’t already know.

If not for the needs of commerce, there would be no such thing as public schools.
If we were to turn the clock back a scant two hundred years we’d find that only those who could afford it received an education of any kind.

Education, the first thing any politician puts on the chopping block, was once the exclusive preserve of the well to do.

So it is that your taxpayer-funded education was instituted not so much to increase the pool of knowledge but to provide industry with a broader pool of skilled workers.

The fact that an education benefits you is incidental. Without the ability to read or write you are of little use as either an employee or a consumer.

And here you thought an education was one of your rights.

No, good citizen, an education is a benefit and it’s one we are about to lose. With town budgets being sucked dry by the ever increasing demands of both police and fire departments, the schools, the schools your kids attend, the one useful thing your tax dollars do for you, are likely to be converted to a pay as you go system.

Because the cities can’t afford both and the demand for skilled labor is dropping into the toilet.
Would pay as you go schooling put you behind the eight ball? The children of the wealthy will continue to receive a good education but those born to working class parents will likely get nada, or home schooled at best.

Has it ever crossed you mind as to why, in these day where major corporations continue to post record profits, the social safety net is being cut?

We, our society, is being abandoned. Our hollowed out carcass is being left to rot in the desert of high wages and a high standard of living. The wealthy have taken us for all we were worth and moved on. The jobs once done here have been given to the needy of the cheaper there, providing the exploiters with a brand new society to take advantage of and a new market for their products.

Without the industries that once supported the public school system (indirectly by taxes paid by their employees) the public schools will vanish.

How can this be? What became of America the Marvelous?

It got too ‘expensive’ for the employer crowd.

Ironically, feeble-minded workers blame themselves for this unfortunate turn of events when nothing could be further from the truth.

But you’re smarter than that, aren’t you.

The skyrocketing price of everything is due to the nation is being sacked from the inside by corporations that have no loyalty to anyone but their shareowners.

I’ll ask you once again. Does the fact anyone can do it justify anyone being allowed to do it at all?
We’re all capable of killing someone but it’s prohibited because the end result destroys the fabric of society.

Letting anyone claim ownership of what we all need to live does the exact same thing. It puts them in power over you.

Are killing and owning the same thing?

You tell me.

In either situation it provides some with the power to deprive others of the means to live. So, as the house of cards tumbles into a heap, collapsing upon itself, what are you going to do?

You could move to the cheaper there and try to be assimilated, a thing easier said than done or you can stay and watch your standard of living sink into a black hole from which there is no return.

The ‘failure’ of the public education system will mark the beginning of the end. When the education of our children is forced upon the backs of their parents our society will be finished.

The stage is set. Never before has a college degree served its intended purpose as a pedigree more fully than it does now.

The college educated are not smarter than those who learn their craft hands on. In fact, they know less about getting things done in the real world. Why is such a high value placed on a college education?

Pedigree, like membership to an exclusive club, a degree shows you had the wherewithal to continue your education while others were forced to go out and earn their way in the world.

It’s money drawn to money.

If you parents had money this somehow make you more valuable.

The lack of a degree bars you from obtaining a job any idiot could do these days and you have to wonder about that.

It’s not what you learned but where you learned it and I think we all know a piece of sheepskin after four years of partying does nothing to make you a more worthwhile person.

Yet it persists and so it will remain until we take action to level the playing field.

Everyone deserves to receive all of the education they desire at any time they desire it. One of the benefits of a labor driven society is free education for life.

A place where you may be standing in front of a classroom sharing your knowledge with others while broadening your own horizons.

Think about that and ask yourself, what’s it going to be, a bright future where everyone pulls their weight or descent into an abyss that few will survive?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,



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