Friday, June 03, 2005

No Says You!

The folks in Europe aren’t buying the new EU Constitution. The talking heads posit that this is due to dissatisfaction with the local governments.

They further say people don’t want to see their ‘safety net’ cut out from under them. People know things can’t go on the way they are much longer but nobody’s willing to suffer the inevitable pain these ‘necessary’ policies will inflict.

Perhaps it’s the politicos that don’t get it.

Between automation and the rampant consolidation of markets (competitors gobbling one another up) and the resultant downsizing of the ‘redundant’ departments, commerce doesn’t need as many people as it once used to.

Job security, the situation being what it is, is virtually non-existent.

Now that we have fewer people working, it’s small wonder that there isn’t enough income to sustain social benefit programs.

Nice and simple. The world’s population continues to grow and commerce’s need for workers continues to shrink.

Something’s gotta give because everybody needs a way to make a living.

Whether those who rule over us cut the safety net or not, these social programs will eventually run out funds due to more people drawing upon them than paying into them.

Why, you might ask, is this? What has changed?

A vast majority of us are being denied the means to support ourselves so a few can be rich.
At the end of the day folks it’s all about dividends for the shareowners, fuck everybody else.

Not exactly a ‘rational’ way to run a society, is it?

So I ask you, good citizen, what makes more sense? DO you want to live in a world where your value is directly proportional to how willing you are to sacrifice your own well-being for the benefit of the company or would you rather live in one that equitably cares for all of it’s citizens?
Full employment is not and never will be the goal of a capitalist society. Those who cannot be profitably employed (by for profit enterprise) must get by somehow, thus the social safety net. Make those with jobs support those commerce doesn’t need.

Is it any wonder those who do nothing for a living (at both ends of the spectrum) regard those who slave their lives away for a meager paycheck as chumps?

The folks in Europe have an ‘advantage’. All they need do is look across the pond at what’s happening in the Almighty US to see their future.

Our economy is a disaster. If the media ever reported the truth, the whole house of cards would tumble down overnight.

Something that’s likely to happen anyway if history is anything to go by.

History has shown that whenever commerce gets too greedy, the society that commerce was built upon comes tumbling down.

Labor driven society, one in which everyone works and thereby providing them with the means to support themselves is the basis for a rational society.

Since no one task is more valuable than any other in creating this world of ours, would everyone be paid the same?

Hell no.

You wouldn’t pay unskilled help the same rate you paid a master, would you? Where’s the incentive to do better?

If all you want out of life is a roof over your head and food in your stomach, you could do that and be content in a labor driven society. All your needs would be met by virtue of supplying your labor for a few hours a day or a few days a week depending on the needs of the task at hand.

We have far more people than things to do. In order to put everyone to work, the workday would have to be shortened.

Thanks to the fact that labor driven society will be completely debt free, many job classifications will disappear.

Don’t worry, there’s still plenty to do.

Would a four-hour shift ruin your day? Live to work? Get two jobs or three! Make as much as you want…be greedy! Just understand there is no such thing as cash. You’d be paid electronically and when you ‘spent’ your money, it would simply be erased from your account…no one gets it.

It would also be impossible to transfer funds between individuals. It’s that debt-free thing happening.

Retire? You’d probably be able to retire at a ‘magic number’ of seventy-five. Years of age plus years worked, which would make most people eligible at around age fifty.

You’re never going to see social benefits like this coming out of more for me Capitalism a.k.a. cash driven society.

Cash driven society is a joke. Whoever controls the (value of) your cash controls you…think about that one for a minute.

‘Dissatisfied’ with the government? Good ‘cuz there isn’t one in Labor driven society. No political parties of any kind tolerated.

All issues will be decided by direct democracy…not that there would be many issues without politicians to create them.

Work, achieve, be rewarded. It’s not utopia but it’s better than the current sham that robs you blind then leaves you high and dry after you’re spent.

Stop being a sucker, the Europeans aren’t buying, why should you?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,



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