Saturday, June 11, 2005

The nature of work

Employment is and always has, been on a temporary and as need basis. Even those who own places of employment have no guarantee that the product or service they provide will remain viable forever and a day.

So when desire meets capital, resources and management are set in motion to bring forth goods and services.

Which step could be eliminated from this formula as ‘useless?’

The human invention, money, a.k.a. Capital.

Yet in our current society nothing is done without capital.

The point that is often missed about this statement is that a venture, proven to be worthwhile, would be done regardless of the existence of capital.

But this doesn’t happen in a capitalist society.

Which brings us to taxes. Why do taxes exist in the first place? They exist to pay for necessary services that cannot be done ‘profitably’.

Those who received a private education or received public ones but do not themselves have children often complain about being taxed to support public schools.

Like living in a world filled with functional illiterates is something they’d prefer.

But those that possess the ‘pay only for what you use’ mentality ignore the pitfalls of such an arrangement.

Sure, there’s nothing stopping you from drilling your own well for water, maintaining your own power generation equipment and making use of a private (Title 5 compliant) septic system but what of the roads, the traffic signals and the maintenance thereof?

They supposedly support ‘privatizing’ these public ways and the associated tolls that would necessitate.

Think of the added costs this kind of lunacy would inject into an already overburdened economic system.

Ironically, labor driven society is totally free of taxes. It’s someone’s job to keep things rolling and their division pays them to do just that so there’s no need for you to pay them too!

Sound simple? It is.

What’s missing? Owners.

Why? Because it will be illegal for anyone to make their way in this world using someone else’s sweat.

Here perhaps we need to burst one more bubble of conceit. Do you have a job? If you answered yes, do you know how to do that job? Once again, the answer should be yes. Everyone who has a job knows how to do that job…whether or not the boss is breathing fire down their neck; they already know how to do the job.

So who will run things?

Who runs them now? The most clueless person in the company is the guy or gal that sits in the biggest office. The only thing they know is that the own the trinket shop. Where the trinkets come from and how they are made is a mystery to them. They don’t know nor do they want to.
The guy or gal that actually ‘runs’ the department usually worked their way up to that position of responsibility.

From that point up, the level of ‘cluelessness’ starts to rise. This is due to the insane practice of hiring in managers who have never done anything in their life except sling fries while they went to school.

Those of us who are forced to work for these wretches know intimately what it’s like.
In division society one must climb from the very bottom of the ladder to as high as your skill, ambition and integrity will take you.

Yes folks, the kind of person you are will have a direct bearing on whether or not you get promoted. Who will have this say? Your peers and those who would have to work under your direction.

Thus management roles would become facilitative rather than authoritative. We’ve already established the workers know how to do their jobs, the only thing ‘management’ needs to do it help them get the things they need to do them.

Couple that with generally shorter workday/weeks and the environment of work is looking a lot better already.

Why is the boss up your ass? He want’s to make more money! But in Division society, ‘profit’ will be redefined as the benefit reaped by society rather than the cash reaped by an individual or a group of investors.

Oh, there is one more thing. You’d have to ‘defend’ your new management position on a yearly basis via the tests.

Every year, everyone eligible to hold a management position would compete for the ability to do so through the skill-testing program.

Geez. That would mean you’d really have to know what you were doing to qualify for the job…how unnatural would that be?

Since this is the case, we’d no longer be locked out of good jobs because they were reserved for the boss’s progeny (whether they're qualified to hold them or not.)

No more dynasties, no more waiting for someone to die to even have a shot at being promoted.
A true dynamic of continuous improvement, driven by beneficial competition.

Which brings us back to the ‘at will’ nature of employment.

It all starts with outlawing the exploitative employer/employee relationship.

All laws start out as ideas.

What do you think of this one?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,



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