Monday, June 06, 2005

Gun Rules

Better know as the ones with the guns make the rules. While many of us admit to an aversion to confinement, it’s really those nice men with the guns that get our attention.

Regardless of what ‘the law’ says, if the boys with the guns want you bad enough there really isn’t much you can do about it.

There was an expose in the NY Times today about police corruption in China. It seems two off-duty cops, neither knowing the other, got into a beef at a red light. The end of the story…the local cop got his buddies to beat the other cop to death.

Then they found out he was a cop.

While I get both the LA and NY Times in my e-mail, I don’t subscribe to the local major paper, I get the local rag instead so I can keep up with the goings on around town.

Even in sleepy little ‘Nowhereville’ we have our share of police corruption. The most recent involving a Lieutenant accused of raping his girlfriends daughters for a period of years.

I’d be remiss in not mentioning the Assistant Medical examiner for a neighboring state who created her own cottage industry by signing off on cremations she’d never examined.

Do medical examiners pack heat? Probably, heck the Eco cops around here have guns and no, I’m not out in the wild west. I live where the pilgrims landed.

Back away from the tree and nobody gets hurt!

This is where the rubber meets the road, where the law meets the individual and it’s a truly frightening picture.

Because it’s your word against theirs...and they have guns.

The average law enforcement individual does an honest day’s work for, well, pay most of us can only wish for in the private sector.

They may work around the clock to make those stellar paychecks but it’s the gun thing again, you and I can’t do ‘details’.

To adjust the viewpoint slightly, these guys are ‘public servants’. No, not your servants, it’s the politicians that tell them what to do.

If ol’ El Presidente decides he needs to declare a ‘State of National Emergency’ to keep from being prosecuted for war crimes…guess whose face they’re going to stick that gun into?

No, not his, yours!

Good, bad or indifferent, these guys are sworn to follow orders…even if the orders are illegal.
Think about military law for a minute. If you ‘refuse’ to obey a direct order in a combat situation, you can be summarily executed.

For those who don’t understand the concept of' summary execution' it means the officer whose order you refuse to comply with is within his rights to shoot you on the spot!

Under a state of ‘martial law’ (the end result of a State of National Emergency) those same rules would apply to our civil servants. (as well as anyone else that doesn't do what they're told, when they're told to do it.)

Another added kicker to this sorry situation is that there’s no such thing as ‘human rights’ violations under a state of martial law.

If you’re related to a politician or even if you’re not, be sure to make it well known that you are connected if the situation ever arises or the treatment you receive may be less than courteous.
Local reps don’t count. You have to use someone big like a senator or a well-known US congressman.

Which brings us to the ‘disconnect’.

I’ll bet most of you think that ‘it couldn’t happen here!’

You couldn’t be more wrong. It’s not even a question of if but a question of when.

Suicides aside, the crash of ‘29 was a relatively peaceful event. Speculation is that the poor didn’t play the market so they didn’t much care that it melted down.

Now we’re all in whether we want to play or not. If you have a IRA or a 401k or even an old ESOP, you’re in the market.

If you have a mortgage that you’re buried up to your eyeballs in…a market crash could end up being your worst nightmare.

Or if you’ve been living off your credit cards. Because all of these things, when added to the huge federal deficit and the enormous trade balance our nation is carrying come together it’s gonna cause the mother of all meltdowns.

My depression era parents say most people survived the last depression by living off the land, America was still largely an agrarian society in those days and almost everybody had a relative that had a farm.

In the past thirty years we’ve gone from being the world’s largest exporter of food to being the world’s largest importer.

Thank you ADM.

The load of misery that’s heading for us like an out of control freight train is being brought to you by, your multinational capitalists.

Is it possible to have a trade deficit with yourself? Most of the companies involved in creating this debacle are US or formerly US based companies that have operations in the cheaper there.

Did I mention for profit society is insane?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,



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