Monday, May 30, 2005


In what might best be described as parody, a mainstream commentator took a shot at the NY Times excellent series on ‘class’, satirizing it with Marxist rhetoric.

If you think ‘class’ doesn’t exist, you’re right. What we have is the classless rich, the classless poor and the totally classless wannabes.

The rich know they’re rich, the poor are woefully aware of their plight, which leaves us the ‘confused’ people in the middle, the fools who think they’re on their way to becoming ‘rich’.

What’s the difference between a rich person and a poor person with a lot of money? The rich person owns something of value. The poor person will be poor once more after they’re through pissing their windfall back into the wind.

Ownership, it’s the only ingredient in the ‘I’m rich’ cookbook. Holding the paper is where it’s at folks. If the money flows to you, now you have something to brag about, not that you would.
Sure, you can make a lot of money but if you don’t have an asset that keeps performing even while you’re asleep…or on a trip around the world, you’ll soon be poor.

Yes, good citizen, the rich don’t measure their wealth in dollars, they measure it in percentage of market share and the number of people they employ.

If you can get this concept through your thick head then just maybe you’ll realize just how rich you aren’t…and never will be.

I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m always ‘bashing’ the wealthy and the first thought to pop into your head is probably, poor guy, he’s so jealous…

Which would only serve to prove the point that you don’t get it.

Rich = criminal. Can you get that? Does this make sense to you? Chances are it doesn’t because you’re still confused as to who is and who isn’t rich.

Movie star or sports legend = not rich. When their career fades so will their money. Now a Banker or a Tycoon is a totally different animal…rich beyond your wildest dreams and getting richer all the time.

Unlike people that go from nothing to great wealth (then back to nothing again, the criminally rich remain that way because their wealth is ‘institutionalized’. These people control the market for their particular niche and there is no way, absolutely no way, anybody is going to take that from them.

Short of a full-scale revolt, a radical change in the way things get done, such as is being proposed here.

The ‘problem’ with this kind of ‘entrenched’ wealth is that there’s never enough to slake its unquenchable thirst for more.

People that have more money than they know what to do with continue to pursue even greater wealth for fear of losing what they already have.

It’s how they go about doing this that the criminal part comes into play.

We need look no further than the current ‘war’ for a prime example of this. Billions of dollars are being thrown into a sinkhole of murder and greed and there isn’t a damn thing we can do to stop it.

Think nobody’s making a ‘profit’ from this? Mind you, it’s not the children of the wealthy that are footing the tab for this incredibly expensive debacle. It’s the children of the workers that will have to bail us out…if it comes to that, which is fodder for another essay.

Which brings us back to class. Since there is no such thing as class, why bring it up?

The class ‘distinction’ is a question of worthiness. The wealthy feel it is only the opinion of their peer’s that matter. The judgement of their ‘lessers’ is not even worth acknowledging.

How is it that one human being can so blithely ignore the consequences of their actions without fear of retribution?

Because once you ‘attain’ a certain level of wealth, the law can no longer touch you.

This you know to be true good citizen. The law flows from them to us just as money flows from us to them.

You don’t need me to tell you this isn’t right nor do I need to remind you that there IS something you can do about it.

Unite and reject.

Together we can save our species and our way of life but only if we act as one to dethrone those who have placed themselves above us.

Reject their false claims and take back what is ours.

All of our children will reap a better life rather than just a few.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Thursday, May 26, 2005


How much would a person dying of thirst pay for a drink? How much would a starving person pay for a crust of bread?

Why should either of these people have to pay to stay alive?

What would happen in either situation if there were no such thing as money?

Now stop for a moment and consider the millions of homeless here and the billions elsewhere.

How is it that even one person has no place to be and no way to support themselves?

There are close to two million homeless here in the US and you have to wonder about that. Have you ever stopped to consider how they wound up in such a hopeless place?

You can see a handful; the small percentage that suffer mental handicaps living on the streets mostly because they don’t know any better.

What of the millions of other homeless persons, what of the families that have no source of income, no place to be?

It’s not your problem is it? It’s society’s.

Once again I wish to point out that this problem is not caused by the people involved but the system, the ‘rules’ that put people in this predicament in the first place.

Rules that favor the wealthy at the expense of everyone else.

The usual defense here is that the rules apply to everyone and you don’t see any rich people living on the street…

Like you would…

But consider for a moment how the rich become ‘rich’.

If no one were allowed to own resources, there would be no rich people. Resources are the wealthy’s source of income. Be it land, raw materials or the markets themselves, without that legal claim, there would be no rich people.

Once again, the invocation is that anyone can do it, why ‘penalize’ the people who happen to do it well?

Because every or ‘any’ one can’t do it. It’s physically impossible. So why do we allow a few to do what most can’t?

Would it have anything to do with the fact the ones who are best served by the current system happen, by massive coincidence, be the ones who make the laws?

Did we ‘need’ stricter ‘consumer’ bankruptcy laws? (That’s right folks, only we working stiffs took it in the jugular on that one, business rules are unchanged.) Do you really want to see the New Deal repealed? No more Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the forty hour work week and overtime laws all declared ‘unconstitutional’?

Did we really ‘need’ to do away with the Estate tax or give tax breaks to the already wealthiest one percent of the population?

While millions are homeless.

Think I have a point?

For all of the preaching about fairness and justice we have little of either in our society. Fairness will never matter until it matters to you.

With the obvious tilting of an already badly skewed playing field, fair had better start being your number one priority.

If life is a game and we must all play the hand we’re dealt, allowing a few to hold all of the face cards means that you will always have a losing hand.

Not once in a while, always.

Even if you do manage to ‘win’, you still lose. Without the ‘participation’ of those who hold all the cards, you’ll get nothing.

The deck of cards used in the game of life is stacked. Until we demand a new game, it will never change.

You may think this is okay for you but what about your kids? This raw deal goes back more than a few generations and it will continue on until someone grows a nut.

Will that someone be you?

The solution is laid out for you here. What’s not to like?

Labor driven society makes sense. Everyone works and everyone partakes, not a few work while the rest sit on the sidelines, either making a fortune from your sweat or starving to death because commerce can’t ‘profitably’ employ them.

A society of equals, it can happen. In fact it did happen, right here and it lasted for tens of thousands of years…before the Europeans got here.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, May 25, 2005


This blog is a feeble attempt (and you can emphasize the word feeble) To educate you to the true workings of the world around you.

So we have it that the ‘gap’ between rich and poor continues to grow and nowhere is this more conspicuous than in college enrollment.

Today, college is a given. Anyone who by passes the college track has de-railed for themselves any chance for a prosperous future.

Since your education is considered along with your qualifications, leaving that line blank on your resume opens the door for failure.

Like the price of housing, the price of a college education has continued to rise right into the stratosphere, leaving behind many who would other wise benefit from the experience.

Let’s put a finer point on this as the above tells you nothing you don’t already know.

If not for the needs of commerce, there would be no such thing as public schools.
If we were to turn the clock back a scant two hundred years we’d find that only those who could afford it received an education of any kind.

Education, the first thing any politician puts on the chopping block, was once the exclusive preserve of the well to do.

So it is that your taxpayer-funded education was instituted not so much to increase the pool of knowledge but to provide industry with a broader pool of skilled workers.

The fact that an education benefits you is incidental. Without the ability to read or write you are of little use as either an employee or a consumer.

And here you thought an education was one of your rights.

No, good citizen, an education is a benefit and it’s one we are about to lose. With town budgets being sucked dry by the ever increasing demands of both police and fire departments, the schools, the schools your kids attend, the one useful thing your tax dollars do for you, are likely to be converted to a pay as you go system.

Because the cities can’t afford both and the demand for skilled labor is dropping into the toilet.
Would pay as you go schooling put you behind the eight ball? The children of the wealthy will continue to receive a good education but those born to working class parents will likely get nada, or home schooled at best.

Has it ever crossed you mind as to why, in these day where major corporations continue to post record profits, the social safety net is being cut?

We, our society, is being abandoned. Our hollowed out carcass is being left to rot in the desert of high wages and a high standard of living. The wealthy have taken us for all we were worth and moved on. The jobs once done here have been given to the needy of the cheaper there, providing the exploiters with a brand new society to take advantage of and a new market for their products.

Without the industries that once supported the public school system (indirectly by taxes paid by their employees) the public schools will vanish.

How can this be? What became of America the Marvelous?

It got too ‘expensive’ for the employer crowd.

Ironically, feeble-minded workers blame themselves for this unfortunate turn of events when nothing could be further from the truth.

But you’re smarter than that, aren’t you.

The skyrocketing price of everything is due to the nation is being sacked from the inside by corporations that have no loyalty to anyone but their shareowners.

I’ll ask you once again. Does the fact anyone can do it justify anyone being allowed to do it at all?
We’re all capable of killing someone but it’s prohibited because the end result destroys the fabric of society.

Letting anyone claim ownership of what we all need to live does the exact same thing. It puts them in power over you.

Are killing and owning the same thing?

You tell me.

In either situation it provides some with the power to deprive others of the means to live. So, as the house of cards tumbles into a heap, collapsing upon itself, what are you going to do?

You could move to the cheaper there and try to be assimilated, a thing easier said than done or you can stay and watch your standard of living sink into a black hole from which there is no return.

The ‘failure’ of the public education system will mark the beginning of the end. When the education of our children is forced upon the backs of their parents our society will be finished.

The stage is set. Never before has a college degree served its intended purpose as a pedigree more fully than it does now.

The college educated are not smarter than those who learn their craft hands on. In fact, they know less about getting things done in the real world. Why is such a high value placed on a college education?

Pedigree, like membership to an exclusive club, a degree shows you had the wherewithal to continue your education while others were forced to go out and earn their way in the world.

It’s money drawn to money.

If you parents had money this somehow make you more valuable.

The lack of a degree bars you from obtaining a job any idiot could do these days and you have to wonder about that.

It’s not what you learned but where you learned it and I think we all know a piece of sheepskin after four years of partying does nothing to make you a more worthwhile person.

Yet it persists and so it will remain until we take action to level the playing field.

Everyone deserves to receive all of the education they desire at any time they desire it. One of the benefits of a labor driven society is free education for life.

A place where you may be standing in front of a classroom sharing your knowledge with others while broadening your own horizons.

Think about that and ask yourself, what’s it going to be, a bright future where everyone pulls their weight or descent into an abyss that few will survive?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, May 22, 2005

Pigs in Space

War is bad, killing people wholesale is criminal but the ‘hawks’, having failed to deliver a land based missile defense system are now pushing for a space based one.

Death not just from above but from near space. Weapons systems that could attack targets on the ground ANYWHERE on the planet.

Anywhere, even here.

Ironically, there are few things more fleeting than a secret and all it would take to put such a deadly weapon into the hands of ‘terrorists’ is a more powerful transmitter than the one normally used to control the unmanned satellite.

Does the ‘need’ for such a powerful weapon exist? Currently there are no ‘official’ orbiting weapons platforms in near space but rumor has it both the Soviets and the US already have armed satellites in orbit.

Objects dropped or launched from twenty-three miles up will impact their earthbound targets at 7,200 miles per hour. The resulting force of this kind of impact is equal to a small nuclear bomb.

Why would we want this? What purpose would it serve?

Would such a weapon be used to enforce the status quo if say, the price of fossil fuel quadrupled overnight?

Our entire way of life depends, let me repeat that depends on cheap, abundant energy. A sharp spike in energy prices or the ‘sudden’ loss of supply would result in the social clock being turned back not a hundred but a thousand years.

No one knows for sure how much oil is left in the ground. IF the supply was dwindling and the insiders knew this, would they tell us?

The resulting panic caused by such a revelation would tear our social fabric to shreds in a matter of hours. People are no longer self-sufficient.

Without fuel to keep food supplies moving, a crisis beyond anyone’s imagining will develop in less than a week.

But that’s just one potential reason.

In another ‘cost saving’ measure the military is experimenting with robots. Armed robots that are today operated by humans but in the future, given the cost of soldiers, will be self-guided.
Think about that one for a minute. One man in charge of battalions of killer robots…can you say Napoleon? That president could declare himself king and there isn’t anything anyone could do about it.

Automatic weapons are the domain of the military; there would be no way for the civilian population to defend itself.

Not that those who would appropriate the hundreds of billions of dollars (from you) to achieve this goal are in any way worried about your safety, it’s theirs they’re worried about.

Human soldiers are reluctant to fire on their own people, a serious character flaw when it comes to protecting the status quo. Robots on the other hand will attack without hesitation.

Supposing that the ‘good’ people in Washington would never allow the military to harm those they’re sworn to protect.

This still raises the specter of an army of machines that would be capable of invading a ‘hostile’ land with little or no loss of life on our side.

The ‘on our side’ are the operative words here but the machines, even very sophisticated ones, would be as likely as human soldiers to kill indiscriminately, with this inevitable outcome being labeled a 'mistake' once the facts come to light.

Until, in this tit for tat world of ours, the enemy unleashed it’s robots, or nukes on us.
Make no mistake about it. A nation thus invaded would not ‘waste’ its robotic forces battling ours; they’d return the favor of the invasion, inflicting upon our civilian population what we inflicted upon theirs.

Even supposing we stuck to soft targets, nations that lack the capability to retaliate in kind. Our reputation being what it is, we’re only a hair’s breadth from being branded a rogue nation.

What’s to stop a preemptive strike made by the combined forces of those who rightly fear US hegemony?

Is it possible the world’s only super power is in the hands of some very dangerous people? Why would we, with no rivals, strive to put weapons in space and plot to build a robotic fighting force that will never question orders?

War is bad and taking humans out of the equation is only going to make it worse.

Time to go back ‘on message’.

World peace is not possible as long as we suffer the few to ‘compete’ (often with unspeakable violence) for the slender resources of this, our one and only home.

It will not be until the profit motive is removed from the world that universal peace will finally be possible.

By replacing ownership with management, the world’s resources will finally be used to benefit all mankind. Those countless millions of us that don't 'own' will be the losers under the president's 'ownership society'.

Capitalist utopia CAN'T exist because there isn't enough market share for everyone to be in business for themselves.

With that being the case, we should seriously question laws that allow anyone to own while others cannot.

By eliminating the fraudulent currency used to enslave us we will prosper as one people with one purpose.

By letting the law stand alone, we will regain our freedom and hold onto to it as no one will have the power to enslave us with their laws again.

A perfect world? Hardly. The most we can hope for is a level playing field and freedom from being exploited by others.

Yeah, there’s more to it than just eliminating ownership but the system works. This same system produced a stable society that lasted for tens of thousands of years. There’s no reason it won’t do the same for us.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, May 18, 2005


New billionaires are being minted at a record pace. The first man in all recorded history to EVER become a billionaire (one guy with a single billion bucks) was J. Paul Getty back in the early 1970’s.

Thirty years later and there are over one hundred and fifty billionaires with some of them worth nearly a hundred billion all by themselves.

This is a staggering sum of money but think for a minute. Where did all of these billions come from in such a short time?

By golly, our elected leaders have let the printing presses run 24/7 for most of those thirty years.

So it is, good citizen, that you have been systematically robbed. Not only is your money worth less but you have earned less because others have been given so much more.

For all the cash that’s been pumped into the economy over the last thirty years (which produced those billionaires) your earnings have remained fairly stationary.

The ‘disparity’ in the amounts the corporate world has been raking in from the government vs. what you get paid has in effect put you in negative territory.

Pumping money into the economy ‘dilutes’ the value of existing money. In order to keep up, you need to earn proportionately larger sums of money…but that hasn’t been happening.

Instead the value of your home has gone into the stratosphere.

This is nice on the surface but the implications are ominous.

Not only have hundreds of millions of people been shut out of the housing market, rents have kept pace with rising mortgage figures.

Double doomed.

Profit driven society (capitalism) needs to continually expand or it will collapse…Just as it has countless times since the screwy system of ‘more for me’ was implemented.

Since it is not possible to expand indefinitely, it will inevitably hit the wall at some point in the future.

The question you need to ask yourself, good citizen, is when will the bottom drop out and what will happen when it does.

It’s pretty obvious that the current situation is being propped up by huge government expenditures but we can’t keep that up indefinitely either. The bill will come due eventually and the cupboard is beyond bare.

If it mirrors the last great disaster, the crash of ’29, you’ll be forced to surrender ten of your old dollars for one new one.

This will suck for you but it will hardly put a dent in the billionaire’s pocket.

To make matters worse, your debt will still be figured in old dollars. It won’t get reduced like your savings will.

Why would they do such an unfair thing?

We’re back to the original question. Where did all of those billions come from? They came from you and the sweat of your brow.

They dug a big hole that’s up to you and your children and their children to fill in.

Despair not!

One of the first things that would happen upon converting to a labor driven economy is the erasure of all debts. At the end of the day it’s all meaningless, cash is a joke.

The only thing that matters is here and now along with your willingness to work in exchange for having all of your needs met, most of them for free.

Wrapping your head around the idea of free after being forced to pay for every little thing must blow your mind.

What blows my mind is why people don’t realize the world as we know it is brought to us by the dedicated souls who get their backsides out of bed and go do what they get paid to do.

The ‘executive’ offices of EVERY endeavor could be ripped off the building and you wouldn’t notice they were gone. If every (major) shareowner on the planet dropped dead at once, life would go on like nothing happened, their passing would have zero effect.

People who don’t contribute aren’t missed.

Popularly elected government would go ‘poof’ too as, contrary to popular belief, people are indeed smart enough to manage and make decisions for themselves.

Learn the rules and live by them. We do it now and it would be that easy.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Saturday, May 14, 2005

Enemy of the State

Have you ever wondered why your faith or the color of your skin can turn you into the object of hatred?

It’s what’s inside you that counts. Inside each and every meat suit there is a human regardless of what color it is on the outside.

It is not so much what the human inside the meat suit thinks as much as what they are taught to believe that gives birth to racial and religious hatred.

With every human being taught that their color is the ‘superior’ one and their faith is the only ‘true’ faith it’s amazing there aren’t dead bodies for miles around.

Well, actually there are.

If you were blind, you would not know the color of your own skin never mind the color of someone else’s. How they treated you would be the only gage that you’d have to measure the character of another.

Flipping this coin over, anyone who believes in fairy tales about eternal punishment or eternal joy needs to get a grip.

Belief in the intangible, know as faith, has it’s limits. If your all-powerful god exists, he/she/it is doing a lousy job or is such a hypocrite that anyone would be foolish to want to worship such a deity.

Taking this to the ‘next’ level, having a conversation in your head with someone other than yourself is insane. We have a name for people that hear voices in their heads, we call them nuts!
If you talk to God but no one can hear him talking to you, it’s time to lie down on the couch, you need to get a few things off your chest.

There’s nothing more absurd in the world than killing someone that doesn’t believe in the same ‘god’ as you do.

Yet there is no shortage of scorn or hatred in our or any other society.

These fires are kept burning at the very highest levels and these people do it for a very good reason. Both racial and religious hatred deflects attention away from the true cause of society’s problems, the rich and their exploitative laws.

The rich like to say they’re just like you and me, it’s just that they’re ‘luckier’ than most people.
But we know that’s not the case. While a few achieve great wealth through luck or genius, a vast majority of the rich get theirs the old fashioned way; they inherit it.

Thus would any change in the laws regarding ownership and banning the employer/employee relationship really ruin their day.

Their empires, built on the sweat of others, would vanish with the stroke of a pen.
Thus does society’s real criminals hide behind old prejudices and stoke racial and religious hatred.

If you hate the rich you’re jealous, if you hate anyone because of the color of their skin or their religious belief, you’re a bigot.

I don’t ‘hate’ the rich. I merely want to eliminate them by taking from them their greedy claims to what we all need to live.

If they want to stick around and work like the ‘normal’ people they claim to be, I don’t have a problem with that.

It is not for myself that I would do this but for the common good.

A society can not prosper until all of its members are granted the freedom to live their lives as true equals. Without equality there is no justice and without justice there is no peace…and without peace there can be no prosperity.

If you’re going to hate somebody, direct your hatred at your oppressor and not who your oppressor tells you to hate, or kill for that matter.

If the truth be told good citizen, the real enemy of the state, the one thing that the wealthy are truly afraid of, is you.

If the public ever wakes up to the screw job that has been/is being perpetrated upon them, the streets will run red.

The giant is not yet awake but he stirs.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Trashing Democracy

The power of blogging is not to be underestimated. The piece I originally wrote took to task that which is a common topic amongst bloggers, the frailties of our ‘democratic’ society.

Not to put too fine a point on it but if everybody’s doing it, there must be something to it.

Just as there has never been a true communist government there has also never been a true democracy.

So when people find fault with our current capitalist republic, they aren’t tearing down democracy as much as they are protesting the decided lack thereof.

Can you imagine what a true democracy would look like? You and everyone else would have a direct vote on every issue facing our society.

The danger in such an arrangement lay naturally in the lies that would be spread to get special legislation enacted.

Thus at ground zero it would be necessary to lay down some basic rules of engagement.
The first would be legislation that denied anyone the ability to make their living from the sweat of another’s brow.

We’re all rowing this leaky canoe together; everyone has to pull their own weight.

Secondly would be a prohibition on the private ownership of resources. Allowing anyone to ‘own’ anything gives said owner the right to screw everyone. This kicks back to rule number one, as the selling of commodities doesn’t do anything to get the job done, it merely allows the seller to make a buck for doing nothing.

Thirdly would be instituting the ‘live and let live’ principal that would allow each of us to pursue happiness in our own way. This would be necessary to put an end to popular practice of leading crusades against personal pet peeves.

We would also have to tear down the courts and ban the professional practice of law. Never have so few inflicted so much harm on so many driven by personal greed.

For the laws to be just they must stand alone with no one claiming ‘special knowledge’ of them.

Trial by randomly selected jury would remain with the jury taking on the role of judge as well.

Money would no longer be a tangible thing. Cash would be outlawed, as would any cash substitute.

All criminal endeavors operate on a cash and carry basis.

You see; five simple rules and we’ve shaved months off the voting schedule.

Without these rules true democracy would be impractical. You would be required to defend yourself against the unscrupulous every hour of every day, kind of like now.

Eliminating the profit motive from society and replacing it with a merit system where everybody starts at square one would establish the foundation of a society that will stand the test of time.

To continue as we are is to condemn your children to a life of wage slavery in a world that no longer needs them, save as mindless consumers.

True democracy where people are free from debt and the machinations of others, where every voice counts, would be a wonderful thing but only if we all agree to play by the rules.

Bash the dictatorial ways of current regime all you like, for all of their posturing and rhetoric, this is no democracy.

In a society where the only vote you are allowed to cast is for who will make decisions in your name without ever consulting you, to say that we are provided with an ‘illusion of participation’ is putting it too kindly.

One people, one purpose.

Think it over.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, May 09, 2005

New Paradigm

The more things change the more they stay the same. I’ve seen a lot in my time. Men’s hairstyles have gone from buzzcuts, down to their backside and than all the way back in the opposite direction to shaving themselves bald headed.

Yet they’re still the same people no matter how they wear their hair, or how many piercings they have or whatever they have tattooed upon their skin.

Regardless of they’re affectations, they’re still driven by the same set of needs that drove our ancient ancestors.

So it shall be for our children and theirs after them, nothing like belaboring the obvious, eh?

People follow trends and sometimes it’s trendy to buck the tide but you can’t buck the buck.

History has shown us that for profit societies last but a few hundred years, just as it has shown us a different social model that endured for tens of thousands of years.

We don’t think much of this alternative lifestyle. We are taught these people were godless, bloodthirsty savages but they didn’t kick us off their land, did they?

No. And therein lies the rub. The very thing that allowed their society to stand the test of time turned out to be their undoing.

Unlike the European invaders, the Indians did not lay claim of ownership to the land nor did they have courts to enforce such claims.

In the end, the ownership of anything is nothing more than a legal claim.

Since this issue strikes at the heart of the situation our society is currently faced with, lets take a closer look.

One of our basic needs is having someplace to hang out hat. You have to be somewhere even if it’s the street.

Why should you, as a condition of being alive, become someone else’s meal ticket? This is not a question of whether or not to own, as all ownership is wrong. It is a question of having no recourse but to pay and keep on paying.

There is no logic at work here save that, thanks to the law, a small percentage of our society (mostly founding families) gets there’s for doing absolutely nothing while everyone else suffers.

The capitalist’s among us call this practice a ‘reward’ for foregoing the gratification of their own immediate needs for a while. They defend their right to stick it to their fellow human by saying ‘anybody can do it’, which totally ignores the real issue, should anyone be allowed to do it?

Short answer, no.

A place to be is one of your inalienable rights as a human being. Should anyone be allowed to leech off the efforts of others for the sole purpose of getting a free ride?

This situation is not so ‘just’ when seen in this light but these are the same misguided imbeciles that equate ‘ownership’ with ‘freedom’, freedom for them that is, screw everyone else!

Let it be said here and now that anyone who adheres to the teachings of Adam Smith is an idiot! He’s right about people acting in their own selfish interest but he was dead wrong about this benefiting society.

One need look no farther than the many US companies that have gutted their domestic operations in favor of setting up shop overseas. This is a prime example of people chasing greater profits to the detriment of society as a whole. They rake in huge profits (and tax breaks) while society foots the tab for the people thrown off their job.

We live here. What happens here affects us all.

When commerce exists to serve itself rather than the needs of society that founded it, it is time to question the validity of a system that allows the private ownership of that which we all need to live.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Friday, May 06, 2005

Economics 101

Our current society could give a rat’s furry backside about unemployment. It’s all about profits and increasing productivity.

These are things owners, shareowners that is, care about.

You, good citizen, care about living in a place where you won’t get mugged walking from your car to your front door.

Owners don’t worry about such things, they can afford guards and gates, you can’t.

If you are a rational being, it may have occurred to you at some point that everyone should work and be paid a living wage.

If everyone worked and made a living wage they wouldn’t have to take your money either in taxes or by mugging you for that matter.

Pretty simple concept, isn’t it?

People that have a way to support themselves don’t need government assistance nor would they have to resort to a life of crime.

But it’s not that easy, is it?

If we change the rules, we could start tomorrow!

Converting from our current cash driven society to a labor driven one is quite simple. The only people that won’t like it are the rich.

First because they’ll lose control of the source of their wealth and secondly, they’ll actually have to do something useful with their time.

The beauty of this concept is that every social woe facing us disappears overnight. You’ll enjoy everything you have today and more, without the payments! No more debt, no more taxes, no more social security (payments or crisis) and things that are drowning us in debt will suddenly be free.

All because we changed the rules.

Remember that there is a superabundance of goods out there. That’s not going to change. We change the rules here and in a matter of weeks they’ll change everywhere!

Without the world’s largest marketplace, the worlds remaining cash driven societies (which are already on the ropes) will go flat line in a heartbeat.

God damn, being ‘required’ to work, what a horrible thing!

Face it folks, there are already far more people than there are things to do. Futurists once predicted that we’d work only a few hours a day once automation had eliminated the drudgery from everyday life.

That day is here but instead of seeing a reduction in the workday, we’ve seen tens of millions eliminated from the workforce.

Until we change the rules, a thing we will do to preserve our children’s future, you will not see the Captains of Industry voluntarily reducing the workday so they can add employees to their payroll.

At the end of the day all economies are local. It’s not about letting a few be rich (and letting them go about it any way they want) it’s about all of us sharing what there is equitably.

One people, one planet working to make this world a better place for all mankind…

Thanks for letting me inside your head,
