Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Price of Peace

Citizens of the world are agape with horror over both recent world events and their ‘powerlessness’ to put a stop to them…

Global Fears Weighing on Businesses
U.S. firms worry that rising tensions could make consumers even more reluctant to spend.

By Molly Hennessy-Fiske, Times Staff Writer, July 17, 2006.

Businesses across the nation, including restaurants, car dealers and discount retailers, are worried that rising geopolitical tensions could rattle consumers and further weaken an economic recovery [that is] already fraying.

For a vast majority of us there has been no economic recovery. The experience has been one of economic uncertainty for as long as they can remember.

This report regarding the effects of global events on business isn’t exactly eye-opening to those of us who have grown accustomed to constantly tightening our belts as we watched our prospects for the future slowly fade to black.

Some analysts in recent days have raised the odds of a recession amid new data showing a drop in consumer confidence, disappointing retail sales and another surge in oil prices. Investors, fearing slower growth, last week sold off stocks and bought relatively safer Treasury bonds.

Energy prices, the stock market and Middle East turmoil "really have taken a grinding toll on the psyche of the American consumer," said Preston Cox, owner of Embudo Station, a restaurant about 40 miles north of Santa Fe, N.M., that has seen sales drop about 30% this year.

Our nation has been turned into an economic wasteland for the benefit of the few while the government pumps trillions of worthless dollars into the economy so our leaders can fabricate false reports of economic wellbeing.

This is how we went from the world’s first ever billionaire, one guy with a single billion dollars in 1972, to over a hundred and fifty billionaires (many with multiple billions) in thirty-four years.

In contrast, real wages have actually fallen for the ‘average’ individual over this same time span.

Let’s consider for a moment what’s important to the average Joe or Jane. Understand that this is not just Joe or Jane US citizen but Joe or Jane average citizen of anywhere on the planet!

We begin with a job that pays a living wage as this is the cornerstone upon which a warm, dry roof over one’s head and regular meals are based on.

Add to this affordable access to education and healthcare. Then we would add the reasonable expectation to be able to retire with something that resembles dignity.

Probably the most important thing to every person who is incapable of influencing world events is the ability to do all of the above in peace.

Yes good citizen, peace is key.

Using this yardstick our so-called leaders have failed us miserably.

Everyone wants peace but our world leaders are unwilling to pay the price.

The price tag of world peace lies in sharing of the resources of this planet equitably.

I want peace, you want peace, he, she, it, we, they, them want peace…so why do our bone-headed leaders do nothing to prevent war?

Could it be because it’s not in the economic best interests of the status quo, those who benefit the most from the world’s current economic scheme?

The propaganda machine pounds out the message ‘they hate us’ over and over again with speaking directly to the question of ‘who’ precisely it is that ‘they’ hate.

In as much as injustice lies at the root of every conflict, the question is who committed the alleged injustice to qualify as the ‘hated ones’?

Could it be the owners of commerce who exploit the lack of labor laws in developing nations while gutting the economies of nations with strong labor protections?

Who is the status quo if it’s not the owners of commerce both foreign and domestic?

In whose hands are the weapons of the world concentrated and in whose interests are those weapons deployed?

The rebels are a rag tag bunch, poorly armed and trained. The tanks, jets and body armor reside not on the side of peace but on the side of the status quo, the owners of the planet’s resources.

Peace at the point of a gun, a gun used to enforce laws that unfairly exploit the non-owner classes is not peace at all, it’s subjugation.

Seems I’ve gone off the reservation again. I find it deeply disturbing that the economy is being derailed by our rapidly diminishing purchasing power, a factor we have no control over.

The economy has been grossly mismanaged for the benefit of a few. It is these same people who would rather make war than peace.

How long will you believe their lies? What does it take to open your eyes to just who the ‘us’ they hate really is?

Turns out we despise them too, they don’t live as we live of suffer as we suffer.

The enemies of peace may be powerful but they are also few.

How long will we let injustice reign?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,



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