Wednesday, November 02, 2005

We're all in this together


We are all in this together. Mutual goals lend themselves to cooperative efforts. This principal put mankind on top of the food chain.

With that said, one has to wonder why we live under a competitive social model that pits the interests of the individual against the interests of society.

If society was founded upon the basis of mutual cooperation why is it our political system pits one segment of society against another?

If our mutual goal is to provide a better future for our children how can we as a society be so divided?

In this respect a two (or more) party political system makes no sense. We all have the same goal we should work as one to achieve it.

Humanity should not be at odds with itself. A better future for our children should include all of our children, not just the ones that can afford it.

Regardless of your ‘politics’ the welfare of our species is what society is all about.

Yet our political system is not designed to meet our mutual goals but rather to advance the goals of those who place their own needs ahead of those of society.

This is not justice, this is not freedom and there is no liberty when one cannot escape tyranny.

Are we all in this together or will it continue to be everyone for his or her self?

The business of society is not to enrich the members who control it but to build a better life for every member of that society.

Society must provide every individual with the means to participate in that society…not just at the ballot box but in all aspects of life.

To demand less than what you are entitled to is to condemn your own children to the same life of ceaseless toil and endless misery that only serves to put you deeper in debt to those who place their own needs above yours.

We’re all in this together. A society that fails to put the interests the majority of its citizens first will tear itself apart.

This begs the question of whether or not we are a society with common goals or merely the chattels of the merchant class, ceaselessly bickering over which party is ‘right’?

One people, one purpose, to build a better world for our children and ourselves. Think it’s an idea that’s time has come?

Are we a society with a common goal or fierce competitors willing to do whatever is necessary to ‘get ahead’?

None will succeed unless we all succeed. Casting others in the role of barbarian is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,



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