Sunday, June 19, 2005

'La La Land'

I heard something again tonight that never ceases to amaze me yet I’ve heard it so often that it made me wonder just how prevalent this sentiment really is.

How many of you are tempted by the idea of heading for the hills. Finding yourself an isolated spot where you would just live off the ‘fat’ of the land?

I’ve heard this from young and old alike. I can forgive the young, they are invincible, but I have no pity for anyone over thirty that still thinks they can just bug out and disappear.

The ‘practicalities’ involved are staggering. If heading for the hills were even a remotely viable option, one would expect to find same said hills already overrun by homeless people.

What these people are really saying is they want to be left alone to live as they please…even if it means having to forsake human companionship in order to achieve that peaceful ‘ideal’.

Not having anyone to tell you what to do and when to do it does not go away when it comes to surviving on your own. It won’t be people but Mother Nature that will keep busy from sun to sun tending to the needs of survival.

But that’s not the half of it. People need people, especially when ‘shit’ happens. Get hurt or too sick to forage for food and there’s no one else around to pick up the slack, you’re either going to make you way back to civilization as quick as you can or…you’re gonna die.

In context, when most people wish out loud like this, they are really saying they are sick and tired of putting up with their bosses’ useless horse shit everyday.

This is a symptom of a fairly recent disease where instead of offering workers an ‘incentive’ to produce more, it is offered to the boss instead. He gets a ‘bonus’ if you work harder for no extra pay, good for him, sucks for you.

Even though human interactions have become scarcer and increasingly confrontational, heading for the hills is hardly the answer.

What we are experiencing is a symptom of a larger problem, one that’s been with us for time out of mind and it’s known as the self-important SOB syndrome.

While most acknowledge that we are all in this leaky boat together, the self-important SOB has made it clear they aren’t beyond pushing others around if it will win for them an added measure of power.

The self-important love to talk about teamwork and everyone being on board with the plan but they fool no one. The only team member they care about is good old number one; the rest of you are replaceable.

Time to go back ‘on message’.

Whipping workers or hanging them out to dry when goals aren’t met serves no one. The push, push, push of capitalist overlords isn’t about teambuilding it’s about ‘making the most of their assets’. The harder you work, the more money they make.

Very few give a damn about the almighty, worthless buck. It’s the few misguided souls that do who make it miserable for the rest of us.

If you want to stop the whippings, you need to take away the whip! In a largely unemployed world you have to wonder when the term ‘right sizing’ refers to having just enough employees to get the job done (with many of the survivors doing what used to take three people to do.)

The main objective of labor driven society is the elimination of want. It is not enough to eliminate poverty. The goal is to elevate every member of society to a comfortable, sustainable lifestyle.

While some would argue that guarantying everyone a job would eliminate the incentive to work, fostering an environment where workers would do as little as possible since their job is protected by law, nothing could be further from the truth.

Instead of overlords there would be standards which would spell out what a reasonable amount of output is for time spent on the job. Like life, labor driven society offers no free rides.

It stands to reason that most people would work harder knowing their efforts were building a better life for everyone rather than just lining the pockets of the boss.

Those who fail to appreciate the benefits of civil society would have those benefits withdrawn from them. Never arbitrarily and rarely for a single instance of abuse but if it’s the punishment that fits the crime, you’ve dug your own hole as there will be no prisons in Labor driven society, only exile.

Folks who fail to appreciate that we’re all in this together will be invited to go it alone.

So it’s not all hearts and flowers, peace, goodwill and endless understanding. Dis the rules and you will win a one way pass to live however you please, naked and alone in the wilderness.

Well, not all alone. There will undoubtedly be others that will manage to survive somehow, I just think that you wouldn’t want to encounter any of them after sundown…

Crimes will be few but punishment will be harsh. Freedom has a price. If we are to prevent our children from being enslaved by the unscrupulous, we must not suffer them to live amongst us.

This is life under the Golden Rule, a society that puts the rights of others first rather than the ‘if you don’t like it sue me!’ that we suffer now.

Who will decide? Your fate would rest in the hands of a jury of your peers. With no lawyers to speak for you and no judges to buy off, you are guaranteed a fair trial.

To make it fairer, three of the jurors would know you (and know what kind of person you are) the other four would be strangers. Notice the odd number of jurors? No possibility of a tie and a simple majority decides the outcome.

The admonition here is to make as many friends as you can. You never know when your life may depend on it.

Yes, falsely accusing someone of a crime is a crime in itself and one of the few that will get you booted for a first offense.

While no system of justice is foolproof, you draw a line in the sand and do the best you can with what you have to work with.

It’s a pet peeve of mine to see social alternatives that are either overly reliant on goodwill or that are so draconian in their usurpation of liberty (by building huge authoritarian governments filled with appointed officials) that your free in name only (like now.)

So much for crime and punishment, I hope I’ve shown there is no ‘la la land’ here. Next installment, who runs the show!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,



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